For friends and family of Dave Page

For friends and family of Dave Page

This blog is to keep family and friends posted on dad's treatments and how he's doing in his battle with pancreatic cancer.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Second treatment

Dad's bloodtests were all good, and he even gained weight, so they went ahead with the 2nd chemo treatment on Tuesday, and the follow-up neulasta shot on Wednesday. So glad for the neulasta shot which bumps up the white cell count to ward off infections, since I have had a cold for the past week and he has NOT caught it! 

Being extra careful using hand sanitizer and washing hands constantly, fully covering any coughs, plus trying not to touch anything, and wiping down door knobs, counters, etc. with clorox wipes on a regular basis. Taking zicam, airbourne, extra vitamins, and cold medicines, hoping not to pass this on to anyone. Lori had a bit of a sore throat yesterday but has been downing the zicam, etc. and hopes this bug doesn't catch her.

Today we had ham, scalloped potatos and fresh green beans, since we were all pretty full up on turkey from the weekend. :-)  Happy Thanksgiving all!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to all. We had Turkey at Rick's. Best Wishes, Angie & Ray
